
Staging vs Production

Understanding the difference between Staging and Production Environments in Application Development.

Application development involves various stages and environments to ensure smooth and efficient software deployment. Two critical environments in this process are Staging and Production.

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Staging Environments

A staging environment is an intermediary phase in the software development lifecycle. It acts as a pre-production environment where developers build and test the application before it goes live.

Staging mimics the production environment in terms of infrastructure, software configuration, and data. It allows developers to identify and fix any issues, ensure compatibility, and validate the application's functionality and performance.

It is typical practice to create an individual instance for each developer and then push to a User Acceptance Testing (UAT) instance for sign off.

Learn more about development workflows

Production Environment

A production environment is a live environment where the application is deployed and accessed by end users. It is the final stage in the software development process, where the application is available for use and serves its intended purpose.

Production environments require careful planning, scalability, and robustness to ensure high availability, performance, and user satisfaction.

Learn more about the differences between the environments

Key Differences

These are the most common differences between Production and Staging environments:


Staging environments are primarily used for building, testing, debugging, and quality assurance, whereas the production environment is the live environment that serves the end users.

User Access

Staging environments are typically accessible only to developers and testers, while the production environment is open to the general public or specific user groups.

Data and Content

Staging environments contain sample or dummy data, while the production environment holds real, live data generated by users.

Infrastructure and Resources

Staging environments have similar infrastructure but reduced resources compared to the production environment, as it serves a limited audience and the associated costs involved.

Risk and Impact

Any issues or bugs in the staging environment have minimal impact since it is not accessed by end users. However, problems in the production environment can directly affect user experience, revenue, and reputation.

Security and Privacy

Careful consideration should be taken of what data (for example, user information) and who can access it (password or token protected) within each environment.

Get started for free

Try Insites for as long as you like with our free starter plan and free staging instances.
Then purchase a production instance when you are ready to go live.